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Solusi transportasi Sansaka menyediakan gambar real-time dan rekaman yang sangat jernih. Teknologi terbaru seperti ANPR dan Pengenalan Wajah bekerja untuk meningkatkan efisiensi lalu lintas dan operasional. Kamera panoramik dan termal juga memungkinkan pemantauan yang lebih efektif.

Public Transportation

Public buses, being a major part of public transportation systems, are the lifeblood of cities, fulfilling an important role in sustaining populous cities. Factors such as increased threats to safety and operational inefficiency, however, are straining the capabilities.
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Parking System

With global urbanization and rapid growth of vehicle population, how to manage the security by tight control of Entrance/Exit and at the same time improve running efficiency is one of the topic which concerns every potential Entrance/Exit manager.
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The rapid growth of globalization and emergence of new innovations in supply chain management have set the stage for modern, large-scale seaports to play an even more important role in trade and logistics.
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